Why buy from TOD Farms? (Part 1).

Welcome to TOD farms. We follow high quality control procedures in producing our crops, here's how:
T = Tender
A = Annual
P = Perennial
H = Hardy
HH = Half Hardy
Ease of Growth
1 = Very Easy
2 = Medium
3 = Can be challenging
Seed Treatment Key
Soak Overnight
Certain seeds like beetroot and swiss chards have a very corky seed coat. Soaking them overnight allows water to penetrate the coat and assists with germination.
Sow shallowly in beds and cover with a hessian cloth.
Fine seeds are best sown very shallowly, the problem now is that the top surface of the soil dries out very quickly. Covering with a hessian cloth, traps the moisture in the top soil layer allowing the seeds to germinate effectively.
Chill in fridge for 2 weeks
A number of seeds need cold treatment prior to sowing. If not chilled, the...