How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 3: Staking, Training and Pruning

Tomato beds have an unfair reputation as the messiest, ugliest, most disease-ridden parts of a vegetable garden. To keep them from devolving to this sorry state, tomato plants need your care and support. More specifically, they need the support of a trellis, stake or cage, and they need you to train them to grow on it while primping and pruning their vines into a respectable form. If you do, the plants will be healthier and more productive—and more presentable when you’re showing off your garden to visitors.   Support Structures Before you get started, you need to know whether you have neat and compact determinate tomato plants or one of the more unruly indeterminate varieties. The former group consists of varieties that have been bred for stems that grow only to a specific length; many of the modern...

How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 1: Starting Seeds Indoors

Growing tomatoes from seed isn’t hard, but there are a few things to be aware of. As with all things agrarian, timing, genetics and environment have to be in alignment to reap the rewards of your efforts. Time and Place Tomato seeds are almost always started indoors—whether in a greenhouse or a sunny window ledge—and then transplanted to beds once they have at least a few leaves and an established root system. Starting seeds indoors is optional with many vegetables, but tomato seeds need a constant soil temperature of at least 60 degrees, and preferably 80 degrees, to germinate. In temperate climates, it may be midsummer before the soil gets that warm, and by then it’s too late for tomatoes to grow and mature before the end of the growing season. Tomato seeds are typically started “six to eight weeks before the average date of...

18 Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea

1. GREEN TEA HELPS IN WEIGHT LOSS: Green tea helps in melting fat, which is very good if we are willing to lose weight. Except burning fat, green tea also boosts our metabolism naturally. It can help us burn up to 70 calories in just one day. That means if we consume green tea regularly we can lose up to 3.5kg (7.5 lbs) per year. 2. GREEN TEA REDUCES BLOOD CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: Green tea can help reduce blood cholesterol levels. It also enhances relationship between bad cholesterol and good cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level. 3. GREEN TEA PREVENTS HEART DISEASES: Green tea helps prevent heart diseases and stroke, thus reduces bad cholesterol level. After a heart attack, green tea speeds up the recovery of the heart cells. 4. GREEN TEA REDUCES RISKS OF CANCER: Green tea helps to reduce the risk of cancer. Antioxidants in...


There is ever increasing evidence on the benefits of tea drinking. Tea has high levels of vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin B, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid and minerals such as potassium and manganese. The presence of polyphenols, particularly in green tea, gives tea high anti-oxidant properties. Polyphenols can represent around 15% of the dry weight of tea and may assist in the prevention of numerous types of cancer and various other problems including heart disease. What is tea? Tea is made from the dried leaf of Camellia Sinensis. This plant is native to China and India and is now cultivated around the world. Tea was discovered nearly 5000 years ago, not reaching Europe until the early 1600's. How is tea manufactured? After picking, tea goes through the following stages: Withering: The leaves are spread out and a current of warm...